Lunch Shelters
Los Angeles, USA
1990 - 1992
The lunch Shelters provide protection from the sun and rain for children eating lunch on various school grounds. Each Shelter requires the placement of a roof, a concrete slab with sewer drain, tables and chairs. All Shelters are to be potentially transportable to other sites as demographics of the School District change over time.

Typically the sites are rough in nature with large asphalt surfaces and tight areas. The need for durability of the structures was an important design consideration. Also the Shelters are meant to be perceived by children as playful objects which reveal structural logic and clarity of construction.

The units are shop fabricated and assembled, with field work limited to a one day assembly process of bolting together the modular units and pinning them into the ground. Schools choose colors for the roof surfaces; the steel frames are galvanized.
Ove Arup & Partners California
ARL & Associates
Eduard Hueber